Dr. Sarah Manning, Physical Therapist

Dr. Sarah Manning is the owner and founder of Balanced PT and Fall Prevention. She has made it her mission to keep older adults confidently active, independent and participating in life well into their late years. She believes older does not have to be sicker and is devoted to educating her community on the benefits of balance and activity as we age. With years of experience in both outpatient and home health physical therapy settings treating numerous patients after a fall and resulting injury, she realized there was an imminent need for fall prevention. And Voila…Balanced PT and Fall Prevention was born! Sarah thoroughly enjoys working with older adults…a love that stems from growing up with active grandparents as a large part of her life. “Older adults have so much to offer our society and families. I want to be an active member of society as I age and I truly believe everyone deserves that….without the fear of falling or loss of inactivity and independence that is too often accepted.”

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